A Message from Our President and Vice-President…
Dear Members of the International Bio-Logging Society,
Thank you for the trust and support you expressed with your vote. We feel a strong responsibility in taking on the legacy of the Founders of the Society and representing such a dynamic and diverse community!
Since the Society’s inception, the bio-logging world has been rapidly evolving alongside advancing technology, while global challenges have become paramount. As members, we are called to address important basic and applied questions through bio-logging science. In our vision, the Society should also facilitate leveraging bio-logging knowledge to tackle broad scientific, conservation, and policy challenges. As scientists and technologists working with bio-logging, we bring deep expertise in how bio-logging data are collected, how they work, and what their potential is.
During our term, we aim to support the Society’s vocational statement and objectives, as outlined in our constitution, by promoting bio-logging science within and beyond the Society:
- Within the Society: We will foster proactive member engagement, support Ex-Co members and participants in working groups and initiatives addressing the Society’s objectives, and encourage open communication between these initiatives and the Society. We also prioritize promoting diverse, enthusiastic, and open participation across the Society.
- Beyond the Society: We will liaise with initiatives in wildlife research, technology, or conservation, and position the Society as a reference for bio-logging science. This includes participating in other scientific or policy committees to disseminate bio-logging’s potential and expanding membership to build an inclusive, diverse, and welcoming Society across geographic contexts, study systems, cultures, and individualities.
Most importantly, we are committed to Listening. This should be our main task to understand the needs and aspirations of the bio-logging community. To this end, we are setting up a brief survey to revive participation among current members and promote engagement with new ones.
First and foremost, you count! Please see yourself as a protagonist in this great adventure. We are unique scientists who “listen” to what other species tell us—we can make a difference in the face of global challenges. And we will!
Warm regards,
Francesca Cagnacci, President, and Mary-Anne Lea, Vice-President, Ex-Co 2024–2027
Interviews with the BLS8 Winners!

The 8th International Bio-Logging Science Symposium (BLS8) took place between March 4–8, 2024, in Tokyo, Japan. Four outstanding presentations (one oral and three posters) by Early Career Researchers were awarded.
Award Winner for Oral Presentation
BLS8 was the first in-person International Bio-Logging Symposium for Mathilde.
“I really liked the diversity of the subjects, which has enabled me to broaden my scientific knowledge and open up to new approaches.” Mathilde found it easy to approach researchers at the conference. Meeting experts from around the globe sparked new ideas for future projects!
“Do not hesitate to talk to researchers when you go to a conference! I know it can be a bit intimidating, but conferences are a really good way to extend your professional network and to develop collaborations.”

Award Winners for Poster Presentations

BLS8 was Christine’s first Bio-logging Symposium and first international conference. “I found it incredibly inspiring. It felt like the authors of every cool paper I’d ever read were at the conference and the science presented was amazing.” Christine enjoyed the physiologging and edge computing workshops and would like to try these methodologies in future research. “Prepare as much as you can in the lead-up to the conference, but once you are there, try to enjoy yourself and have fun!”

BLS8 was Don-Jean’s first Bio-logging Symposium. “The conference was a highly relevant and inspiring experience, set against the vibrant backdrop of Tokyo and Japanese culture.” Don-Jean found it extremely valuable the chance to directly interact with tags’ manufacturers. “Many biologging companies, including smaller ones, had kiosks at this conference. This made it easy to discuss our research needs, the possibility to customize devices, and ask them – Can you make the device of my dreams come true?” Don-Jean’s advice for Early Career Researchers is to be proactive and unafraid to ask questions. “Engage with experts, use the knowledge you gain to fuel your imagination.”

Symposium for Ellen, and first time in Japan! The way the conference was organized allowed everyone the opportunity to attend every talk and poster session. “I enjoyed learning about the amazing work being done in bio-logging sciences” Ellen particularly enjoyed the poster session. “I found it really helpful hearing other people’s thoughts and suggestions about my own project, as it’s given me some ideas on how to further develop it.” Ellen’s advice for Early Research Careers is to “take full advanage of the networking opportunities offered by conferences like BLS8.”
See You All at BLS9 in Sevilla!
In September of 1519, Fernando Magellan and Juan Sebastián Elcano departed from Sevilla
and returned almost 3 years later after the first circumnavigation of the Earth.
In the fall of 2027, more than 500 years after the Magellan-Elcano voyage, the BLS9 society meeting will be held in Sevilla. We will gather to share our increasing knowledge of how animals perform similar voyages.
We hope to see you in Sevilla in 2027!
More details to follow in future newsletters!

Stay Tuned for the Next Newsletter of IBioLS in 3 Months!
We are thrilled to have you as part of our community.
If you have any inquiries or wish to contribute to the next newsletter, please contact intl.biologging.society@gmail.com.
Don’t get lost—(bio)-log yourself into this diverse community!