We are excited to announce that the 8th International Bio-Logging Science Symposium (BLS8) will be held from March 4-8, 2024, in Tokyo, Japan! The first International Bio-Logging Science Symposium was held in Tokyo in March 2003. The 2003 Symposium coined the term ‘Bio-Logging’ and spurred international collaborations among scientists working mainly on marine animals. Nearly 20 years have passed since then, and six BLS Symposia have been held across the globe (St. Andrews, Pacific Grove, Hobart, Strasbourg, Konstanz, and Honolulu). ‘Bio-Logging Science’ has now flourished across diverse research fields, not only in marine but also in terrestrial research fields. The recent coronavirus pandemic has compromised our research activities in the remote field sites, but it has also inspired the development of enhanced community-wide collaborations such as COVID-19 Bio-Logging Initiatives. It is timely to hold the 8th BLS Symposium in Tokyo again to reflect on our achievements during the last 20 years, and to look ahead to the future of Bio-Logging Science!