Dear members of the International Bio-Logging Society,
Many thanks for casting your votes and participating in the election of our new Executive Committee during February-March 2024! Our first announcement of the newly elected committee was made at the International Bio-Logging Society Symposium – – which was held in Tokyo, Japan. We wish to extend our gratitude to the organizing committee for the exceptional efforts in planning and executing such an inspiring, fun and valuable event, and for facilitating the announcements of the International Bio-Logging Society.
With this very brief communication, we would like to officially present the new members of the Executive Committee of the International Bio-Logging Society (check us out on our website! Our mandate will run until the next BLS Symposium in 2027, which will be hosted in Sevilla, Spain. We are honoured to step into this role and continue the legacy established by our predecessors. We extend our deepest gratitude to the outgoing committee for their invaluable contributions and dedication, which have laid a solid foundation for our Society’s success.
Following the expression of interest during elections, we are forming a very keen group of members supporting the activities of the Ex-co; and we are reaching out to existing and new initiatives and working groups. Feel free to reach out ( if you are interested in being an active member of our Society! More information will come soon in our Newsletter, which will be our main means of communication with the Society.
We are looking forward to this next phase and helping to facilitate the new initiatives that will come! We are also counting on your engagement, commitment and enthusiasm!
The Communication office and The Executive Committee IBLS